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Associate prof. Miyazaki’s research works


Study on “Seismic-followability ” of underground structure

Example of box culvert opening suspected to be related to liquefaction

液状化の関連が疑われるボックスカルバートの目開き事例 Example of box culvert opening suspected to be related to liquefaction

Reproducibility test of box culvert opening on liquefiable ground

液状化地盤上におけるボックスカルバートの目開き再現実験 Reproducibility test of box culvert opening on liquefiable ground

Two-Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Box Culvert on Liquefiable Ground

液状化地盤上におけるボックスカルバートの二次元動的解析 Two-Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Box Culvert on Liquefiable Ground

<aside> 💡 日本においては,限られた平野部において経済的に高速道路を建設するために,道路盛土が採用されることが多いです.道路盛土が造成される場合,地域の交通分断を防ぐために,アンダーパスを道路盛土に設置することが不可欠です.このアンダーパス構造における地震時挙動が本研究の主題です. このアンダーパス構造の耐震性は,1995年兵庫県南部地震における被害事例をきっかけに,世界中で研究が進められました.しかし,世界中で展開されている研究の主眼はアンダーパス構造の強度に置かれており,道路盛土全体系における耐震性はあまり注目されていません.この道路盛土全体系における耐震性の関心の低さが,日本国内の過去の地震において,多数の供用性の喪失をもたらしています.新潟中越地震,東北太平洋沖地震,さらには2016年熊本地震に至るまで,繰り返しアンダーパスの目開き被害が報告されています.いずれの被害も基礎地盤における地質的,地形的特徴が重要な要因と考えられています.そこで,本研究ではどのような地質的,地形的特徴がアンダーパスの供用性を損なうか,という問いを立てます.そして,地震時に周辺地盤との追随性を失い,供用性を損なうかを明らかにします.


<aside> 💡 In Japan, road embankments are often used to economically construct highways in limited plains. When road embankments are constructed, it is essential to install underpasses in the road embankment to prevent traffic fragmentation in the area. The seismic behavior of this underpass structure is the subject of this study.

The seismic behavior of underpass structures has been studied worldwide since the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake. However, the main focus of the worldwide research has been on the strength of the underpass structure, and little attention has been paid to the seismic behavior of the entire road embankment system. This lack of interest in the seismic performance of road embankment systems has resulted in the loss of serviceability of many past earthquakes in Japan. Repeated damage to underpasses has been reported from the Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake, the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean earthquake, and even the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. Geological and topographical features of the underlying ground are considered to be important factors in all of these damages. In this study, we address the question of what geological and topographical features can weaken the serviceability of underpasses. We will clarify whether the underpasses lose their followability with the surrounding ground during earthquakes, and thus, whether the serviceability of the underpasses is impaired.



Upgrade period and region in standard of advanced traffic control corresponding to heavy rain

国土交通省道路局 国道・防災課道路防災対策室:ゲリラ豪雨に対応した新しい事前通行規制の施行,道路行政セミナ―,2015.
Increase in the false-positive in advanced traffic regulation sections (arterial road under direct control) Excerpt from
Office of Road Disaster Prevention, National Highway and Disaster Prevention Division, Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Enforcement of new advance traffic regulation for guerrilla downpours, Road Administration Seminer, 2015.

事前通行規制区間における空振り率の上昇(直轄国道)以下より抜粋 国土交通省道路局 国道・防災課道路防災対策室:ゲリラ豪雨に対応した新しい事前通行規制の施行,道路行政セミナ―,2015. Increase in the false-positive in advanced traffic regulation sections (arterial road under direct control) Excerpt from Office of Road Disaster Prevention, National Highway and Disaster Prevention Division, Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Enforcement of new advance traffic regulation for guerrilla downpours, Road Administration Seminer, 2015.

土砂災害警戒の仕組み 以下を基に作成
Mechanism of Japanese early-warning for debris flows and slope
failures Created based on the following
Japan Meteorological Agency Website: Mechanism for Determining Landslide Kickle (Distribution of Danger Levels for Heavy Rainfall Warnings (Landslide Disasters)), https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kishou/know/bosai/doshakeikai.html

土砂災害警戒の仕組み 以下を基に作成 気象庁ホームページ:土砂キキクル(大雨警報(土砂災害)の危険度分布)の判定の仕組み,https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kishou/know/bosai/doshakeikai.html Mechanism of Japanese early-warning for debris flows and slope failures Created based on the following Japan Meteorological Agency Website: Mechanism for Determining Landslide Kickle (Distribution of Danger Levels for Heavy Rainfall Warnings (Landslide Disasters)), https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kishou/know/bosai/doshakeikai.html

(Critical Lineは以下を参照)
Relationship between Snake Curve and Factor of Safety in Integrated Seepage Flow and Rotational Slip Analysis
(See below for Critical Line)
Kyoto Prefecture Web site: Kyoto Prefecture Landslide Disaster Warning Information, https://d-keikai.pref.kyoto.jp/MapForm.aspx?m=1

スネーク曲線と浸透流・円弧滑り統合解析における安全率の関係性 (Critical Lineは以下を参照) 京都府ホームページ:京都府土砂災害警戒情報,https://d-keikai.pref.kyoto.jp/MapForm.aspx?m=1 Relationship between Snake Curve and Factor of Safety in Integrated Seepage Flow and Rotational Slip Analysis (See below for Critical Line) Kyoto Prefecture Web site: Kyoto Prefecture Landslide Disaster Warning Information, https://d-keikai.pref.kyoto.jp/MapForm.aspx?m=1

<aside> 💡 一般道路においては,異常気象時に斜面災害が発生する恐れのある道路区間において,定められた雨量に関する基準に基づき,事前に通行を規制し,安全が確認された場合に規制を解除する制度があります.しかし,局地的大雨により激甚化・広域化する斜面災害を背景に,幹線道路網における事前通行規制基準の適正化が迫られています.従来の方法では降雨の累積量のみに依拠し,地形・地質条件や,先行降雨の影響が見込まれないなど斜面崩壊の発生メカニズムとの合理性がありません.結果として,「見逃し」,特に「空振り」事例が増え,近年の災害傾向の変化へ対応する必要があります.そのような中,土砂災害警戒情報を事前通行規制に応用する考え方が提唱されています.本研究ではこの考えを援用し,通行規制区間と時間の両方を適正化することを目指しています.具体的には,通行規制区間における自然斜面や,対策工済みの斜面のモニタリング,要素実験,数値解析や機械学習を駆使することで,監視すべき区間の限定化や,規制時間の適正化へ挑戦しています.


<aside> 💡 In Japan, there is a system in which traffic is restricted on roads where there is a risk of slope hazards during abnormal weather events, based on a predetermined rainfall standard, and the restriction is lifted when it is confirmed that the road is safe. However, the increasing severity and extent of slope disasters caused by localized heavy rainfall has made it necessary to improve the standards for advance traffic control on arterial road networks. Conventional methods rely solely on the cumulative amount of rainfall, and are not reasonably consistent with the topographical and geological conditions and the mechanism of slope failure, such as the absence of prior rainfall effects. As a result, the number of "misses (False Negative)" cases, especially "false alarms (False Positive)" cases, has increased, and it is necessary to respond to changes in disaster trends in recent years. Under such circumstances, the idea of applying landslide warning information by Japanese Meteological Agency (JMA) to advance traffic control has been proposed. This research aims to optimize both the time and the length of the traffic control zone by applying this idea. Specifically, we are trying to limit the restricted areas and optimize the restricted time by monitoring natural slopes and slopes that have already been treated, conducting elemental experiments, and making full use of numerical analysis and machine learning.



Rationalization of joint structure of steel pipe sheet pile foundation

schematic drawing of steel pipe sheet pile foundation

鋼管矢板基礎の概略図 schematic drawing of steel pipe sheet pile foundation

Load-Displacement Relationship of Steel Pipe Sheet Pile Groups Subjected to Horizontal Forces: Experimental Results and Their Reproduction Analysis

水平力を受ける鋼管矢板群の荷重変位関係:実験結果とその再現解析 Load-Displacement Relationship of Steel Pipe Sheet Pile Groups Subjected to Horizontal Forces: Experimental Results and Their Reproduction Analysis

<aside> 💡 鋼管矢板基礎は鉛直支持性能と遮水性能の両方の役割を果たす深い基礎構造です.この構造は鋼管に溶接された継手を互いに嵌合し,充填材により空隙を充たし,充填材が固化することで,基礎としての性能を発揮します.一方で,打設時に理想的な継手の嵌合状態を維持することの難しさが古くから指摘されており,この問題をどのように解消するかが研究の主眼となっています.本研究では,一定の深さまで継手構造を省略することでこの課題を解決し得ないか,というアプローチを行っています.一定の深さまで継手構造を省略した場合に,基礎としての性能がどのように変化するか,ということを評価可能な手法を確立し,継手構造の合理化を目指します.
